Monday, October 5, 2009

"With Our Busy Schedules, What Are Your 3 Valid Tips for Getting Dinner Ready in a Flash?

I am a busy Mom of two very busy teenage sons. We are constantly on the go, so, many times we have to have a quick dinner. One of the things that I do to make sure that I have a good hot meal in a hurry is plan ahead. I know it sound funny but a slow cooker (crock pot) is a great way to have a quick dinner time meal. If you start your dinner in the morning before you begin your busy day, it is done just in time for dinner. I also use precooked deli chicken in casseroles, it tastes great and saves a lot of prep time. Another standby is any kind of pasta and bottled sauce. It takes just about 10 minutes to cook the pasta and warm up the sauce. You can even add some frozen meatballs. Yummy!


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